Herewith, a list containing All Of The Projects, in chronological order:
Cinema Swarm – Autonomous Subject Tracking Robotic Camera System
I’ve been working on my Vive-tracking robotic cameras for just over a year now, and I’m falling over with excitement to announce that they’re now autonomous enough to have their own name: Cinema Swarm For the first public outing of the …Read MoreSUTU “Nawlz” vs Mixed Reality Camera Tracker Robot
Most of my recent work in VR and Mixed Reality has been rough, proof-of-concept stuff. Nawlz is an attempt to create something with a little more structure. Returning to Australia from a secret overseas Tilt Brush project, SUTU stayed over …Read MoreBall Park Music – Whipping Boy: Music Video created in Tilt Brush/Virtual Reality
After completing the Nihilist Party Album video, the Ball Park guys spent a couple of hours trying my Vive VR rig, and they were quickly on board with the idea that their next video should be produced in VR.Read MoreEmma Louise at the Old Museum – Shut The Door and West End Kids: Live Music Videos
In the lead up to the release of Emma Louise’ new album Supercry, Mushroom Records asked if I’d spend a day with Emma and record some intimate, solo live tracks in one of her favourite creative spaces, Brisbane’s Old Museum.Read MoreExercise Bike Controller
Parts List Teensy 2.0 Microcontroller – US$19 Teensy 2.0 uses 5v logic, so is easier to use with a rotary encoder that requires 5-20v. (Other Teensy models work, other than the LC which doesn’t support 5v logic.) Official Store – PJRC – …Read MoreBall Park Music – Nihilist Party Album: Music Video
This video started the same way all Ball Park Music videos start – drinking coffee and talking about internets. The difference with Nihilist is that we grabbed those internets and decided they should be the whole video.Read MoreBall Park Music – Pariah Music Video/Promo
We had such a lovely time making the Ball Park Music tour visuals last year, so when it was time to release music from their first album in 2 years, Sam and the gang decided that they wanted to do …Read MoreAerialicious – The Sparkly Taboo: Promo Edit
After filming some of Aerialicious’ wonderful variety performance at last year’s Wonderland Festival at Brisbane Powerhouse, I was asked to edit a promo for their entire show. Combining footage from two other shooters with my own, we put together a …Read MoreWALKEN – Eagle Eye: Music Video
Brisbane punksters WALKEN. Three guys. Three cameras. Three locations. One robot. One Jaymis. Sometimes things just Make Sense.Read MoreBrisbane Powerhouse – Comedy Festival 2016: Promo
The Powerhouse have grown their wonderful Brisbane Comedy Festival exponentially over the past few years. For 2016 we reused some of last year’s footage to showcase the superb lineup the team has brought to Brisbane.Read MoreHey Geronimo – Boredom: Music Video
An homage to one of Australia’s best-ever music videos. TISM’s “Thunderbirds Are Coming Out“. Pete from Hey Geronimo has directed all of their varied works. He asked me to be DoP for his planned remake, and solve the not-insignificant problem …Read MoreWAAX – Holy Sick: Music Video
I’ve loved working with WAAX as they thrash their way through the early years of their careers. After the robotic glitch explosion of Wisdom Teeth and the strange mirror-world of I For An Eye, we wanted to do something simple, …Read MoreBrisbane Powerhouse – Wonderland Festival 2015: Promo Video
The Brisbane Powerhouse festival of burlesque, circus, cabaret, music and food. All kinds of fun to shoot, and this piece was edited and online less than 24 hours later:Read More3D Printable, Seamless, Friction-fit Lens Gears for Follow Focus
Working with digital cinema and motion-control has given me an appreciation for Cine Lenses With Gearing On Them. Working in a reality where things cost money keeps me appreciating Stills Lenses With No Gearing But With Less Numbers On The Price Tag. Adding gears …Read MoreBrisbane Powerhouse – Discover Brisbane Powerhouse: TV Advertisement
I've been filming various events and promos with Brisbane Powerhouse for much of 2015, all the while colluding with them to combine the huge breadth of footage I was capturing into a TV ad which showcases the Powerhouse as a …Read MoreAirbus Helicopters EC135 – Sydney Harbour: Corporate Video
I've been collaborating with Industrial Arc Photography for a number of years, and one of our favourite clients to work with is Airbus Australia. Perhaps it's because they're super lovely, professional people. Maybe it's the incredible toys.Read MoreWAAX – I For An Eye: Music Video
Following up WAAX's Wisdom Teeth video, we needed a clip which would deliver their fresh new lineup to the world, while giving plenty of focus to Marie's ferocious presence.Read MoreMy Own Pet Radio – No Great Mystery: Music Video
After having a lovely time working together on visuals for Ball Park Music, Sam Cromack asked me to help him create a world for the debut single from his solo project, My Own Pet Radio.Read MoreTim Shiel and Queensland Symphony Orchestra – Duet Live: Performance
Tim Shiel composed the award-winning soundtrack to mobile application Duet, a mesmerising, minimalist, and wonderfully difficult game.Read MoreBrisbane Powerhouse – IRL Digital Festival: Promo
My collaboration with Brisbane Powerhouse continues, with a promo for the 2015 IRL Digital Festival!Read MoreBall Park Music – Groovin The Moo Tour 2015: Live Show Visuals
I got together with Ball Park Music's Sam Cromack to put together live visuals for their 2015 run of Groovin The Moo shows. Ranging from infinitely scrolling backdrops taken from album cover collages, to disembodied 3D scans of the band …Read More7bit Hero – Burn Your Bits feat. Sun Mum
A rare appearance on the “wrong” side of the lens, my band 7bit Hero featured in a Queensland Government Health sun safety campaign. Alongside the music video, we also appeared in PSA skits with Sun Mum. This campaign won several …Read MoreWAAX – Wisdom Teeth: Music Video
WAAX are a band of punk-as-rock, hectic kids. Their track "Wisdom Teeth" had been creeping up on Triple J and Unearthed for a couple of months, and needed a quick clip that would match the intensity...Read MoreGo Van Go – Known Better: Music Video
Hyper-low-budget, single shot experiment in time ramping.Read MoreViolent Soho – Fur Eyes: Music Video
The third Graetzmedia music video for Violent Soho. Trying to keep their quintessentially Australian Suburbs image intact, while throwing some technological head-trip curve balls at their THC-addled fans.Read MoreSubway BBQ Bacon Subs – Flavour vs Flavour: Advertisement
Making sandwiches look like epic opponents in a boxing ring requires some ridiculous camera moves. T-Rex Superscope lens mounted on Red Epic, mounted on the camBLOCK I modified to work as a 5-axis crane rig. Looked messy, worked a treat!Read MoreArundel – The Boat Song: Music Video
A dark, hot room filled with smoke and lasers. Who doesn't want that in their life? Lighting is all controlled via my audio-reactive lighting system, each light pulse is directly controlled by the sound of the instruments and vocals.Read MoreViolent Soho – Saramona Said: Music Video
After the Violent Soho/Graetzmedia single-shot clip Covered In Chrome was nominated for an Aria award, we knew the follow up had to be really special.Read MoreLittle Odessa – All Night: Music Video
I’ve wanted to shoot someone sleeping for ages. Not in a creepy way, you understand. It’s just that slow-motion and timelapse videos reveal stuff we don’t usually get to see as humans shackled to linear time.Read MoreViolent Soho – Covered in Chrome: Music Video
Single-shot, time-ramped icon of Brisbane Suburbia. I don't think director Dan Graetz and the rest of the crew realised how much of a Thing this video was going to be when we spent a day shooting in 39ºRead MoreLittle Scout – March Over To Me: Music Video
After designing and 3D-printing modifications to convert our 3-axis camBLOCK motion control system into a monster 5-axis crane rig, I needed a project to test out the system. Fortunately my buddies Little Scout were about to release their new single...Read MoreBall Park Music – Bad Taste Blues Part II: Music Video
Another collaboration between Graetzmedia and the amazing humans of Ball Park Music. The "house" and "science lab" scenes of this piece were all shot at my home, I invented the ejector-pants, and shot B-cam angles for the performance scenes.Read More7bit Hero – Come On. Stand Out: Music Video
I'm the visualist/networking/game-master member of bitpop band 7bit Hero. When explaining our hybrid gaming/live music project to people, we had trouble explaining how it works. The band actually wants people to be messing with their phones at our shows?Read MoreMt Franklin Lightly Sparkling & Cozi by Jennifer Hawkins: Advertisement
... lot of grizzled advertising shoot veterans with surprised looks at the end of that day. camBLOCK handled the full size Alexa with aplomb, and we spent a very pleasant time filming lots of copies of a pretty lady in …Read MoreFoton Tunland: Advertisement
On this shoot I got to stand out in the sun with the camBLOCK motion control robot while everyone else was driving around an off-road park and splashing through mud. Got some really lovely badge-work shots of the car though.Read MoreTara Simmons – Weekend of Hearts: Music Video
The first public use of the audio-reactive lighting system I developed for Ableton Live. The lighting of this clip was controlled entirely via the sounds of the music.Read MoreBall Park Music – Surrender: Music Video
The challenge: Reinvigorate an old-style "random stuff happening in various places" music video concept with some next-level VFX and motion control.Read MoreNEXTDC M1 Data Centre – Launch: Corporate Video
...spent some serious time animating titles in SPACE using After Effects, with lots of Trapcode Form, Optical Flares, and Particular, and epic camera moves.Read MorePenny Skateboards – Plastic Pride: Advertisement
Remember when I made a toaster remotely explode on cue and shoot flaming bread into the air? Good times. For this Graetzmedia production I created an animatronic, pyrotechnic toaster, animated the closing logo and motion control camera moves...Read MoreEdward Guglielmino – You’ll Be The Death Of Me: Music Video
My long and varied collaboration with Edward Guglielmino continues with a slasher flic/music video. Combining camBLOCK motion control with buckets of fake blood.Read MoreZ-Flex Skateboards – Jimmy Plumer Skatelapse: Advertisement
Since taking delivery of his camBLOCK Motion Control rig, Graetzmedia director Dan wanted to shoot a piece seamlessly combining timelapse with slow-motion shots. Collaborating with iconic skate brand Z-Flex was the perfect opportunity.Read MoreStan Walker – Light It Up: Music Video
The record label contacted Graetzmedia director Dan wanting "lights and pyro" but only had budget to cover a single flame canon. So I got to work designing, inventing and fabricating on 3 different setups: Audio-controlled lighting: With the song stems …Read MoreCowper – Morning Prayer: Music Video
I'm really proud of this one. Both video and audio for this clip were recorded in a single session at the flood-destroyed Graetzmedia studios in West End, Queensland, Australia. To achieve a perfect focus pull over the 4-minute staring contest...Read MoreBen Stewart – Violet the Killjoy: Music Video
This was one of the most fun videos I've ever been involved in. Well and truly nestled in the "fast, cheap, effective" philosophy, we went from concept to completed shoot in under 24 hours.Read MoreSurface Paradise – Look at Miss Ohio and The Gulf Stream – Live at Letterbox Lullabies
Letterbox Lullabies is a series of intimate house gigs put on by stalwarts of The Troubadour, Brisbane's most beloved music venue. This was my second Letterbox Lullabies shoot: Surface Paradise, featuring Matt Redlich, Rowley Cowper and Timothy Carroll.Read MoreCowper – The Kite Song and Capulet – Live at The Edge
Cowper played at The Edge's first Show Pony showcase event. As a Catalyst at The Edge, I was responsible for tech setup and mixing live video, as well as VJing other artists on the night, alongside my weapon of choice: …Read MoreSampology – Super Visual Smackdown Intro Video
With Sampology set to take over the audiovisual world with his Super Visual Smackdown, he needed a design refresh to show people what was coming. Sam is pretty new to the video world, so he asked for some post-production services...Read MoreEdward Guglielmino – Fail With Me: Music Video
Long-time collaborator Edward Guglielmino. Failing over and over. A beautiful desaturated mandala of fail.Read MoreThalia Downbeat Set
This is a mixed set I put together for my Thalia VJ gigs, described in part here. Download: jaymis - thalia downbeat set.mp3. 92MB 192kbit MP3. 67 minutes.Read More