The sale of Flexi-HAL, PicoBOB and related boards and electronics from this site is provided as a service to the PrintNC and Open Source CNC communities. I’m not making much (any) money from these boards, and while I test each one to the best of my ability I don’t have any resources to support them (you) in the future.
Therefore, the purchase of these items comes with no warranty or guarantee of ongoing support. I’ll do my best to help out if something goes wrong, but these are open source electronics products, made to a very low price point by a remote factory. If something fails in months or years, it’s going to be down to you to figure out why.
Hopefully if something does happen, I’ll be still around and making parts on my PrintNC, so we can figure it out together. If you’re looking for an Amazon-like no questions asked returns policy though, maybe you should take your money elsewhere.