Behind The Scenes Music Video Projects

Violent Soho – Covered in Chrome: Music Video

Single-shot, time-ramped icon of Brisbane Suburbia. I don’t think director Dan Graetz and the rest of the crew realised how much of a Thing this video was going to be when we spent a day shooting in 39º heat at bass player Luke Henery’s house.

It totally became a Thing, nominated for a 2014 Aria Award, and over a million plays on Youtube.

I sorted out the time-changing of the music, set up stage lighting, and came up with the quintessential “Jaymis” suggestion – “set the hills hoist on fire” –  when we couldn’t figure out how to finish off the clip.

For the shoot day I had it easier than most, spending most of the clip hidden upstairs watching the video remotely and pulling focus. More sweat came out of Dan’s body than I thought was possible for a human body to contain, but the look of the piece, and the “teleporting” band members required that we produce a Behind The Scenes video to prove it was a real single-shot clip.

3D Printing/Fabrication Animation/Post-Production Featured Lighting/Audio Reactive Motion Control Music Video Projects

Little Scout – March Over To Me: Music Video

After designing and 3D-printing modifications to convert our 3-axis camBLOCK motion control system into a monster 5-axis crane rig, I needed a project to test out the system. Fortunately my buddies Little Scout were about to release their new single, and the aesthetic perfectly fit the multi-pass, audio-reactive ideas in my head.

Motion control gave me some delightfully crane-y multi-pass camera moves, and audio reactive lighting made the band members magically appear only when their instruments made noise.

This clip won Gold in the Music Videos category at the Australian Cinematography Society’s 2013 Queensland awards.

Advertising Animation/Post-Production Motion Control Projects Timelapse/Slow Motion

Z-Flex Skateboards – Jimmy Plumer Skatelapse: Advertisement

Since taking delivery of his camBLOCK Motion Control rig, Graetzmedia director Dan wanted to shoot a piece seamlessly combining timelapse with slow-motion shots. Collaborating with iconic skate brand Z-Flex was the perfect opportunity.

A detailed pre-production shoot allowed us to test our compositing techniques and locations, and make sure the shots we’d planned were going to work without too much painstaking rotoscoping.

This video won a Gold in the “Experimental” category at the 2012 Australian Cinematography Society Queensland awards, and went on to win the Golden Tripod at the National ACS awards!

It also features the beautiful soundtrack of Cowper – Morning Prayer, which I’d filmed with the camBLOCK a few weeks before.

There was a lot of industry love for this piece, so I edited a behind the scenes piece for Graetzmedia, to show everyone how it all went down: