Music Video Projects

Emma Louise at the Old Museum – Shut The Door and West End Kids: Live Music Videos

In the lead up to the release of Emma Louise’ new album Supercry, Mushroom Records asked if I’d spend a day with Emma and record some intimate, solo live tracks in one of her favourite creative spaces, Brisbane’s Old Museum.

Animation/Post-Production Music Video Projects

Ball Park Music – Pariah Music Video/Promo

We had such a lovely time making the Ball Park Music tour visuals last year, so when it was time to release music from their first album in 2 years, Sam and the gang decided that they wanted to do some things that were leaning more towards visuals than traditional music videos.

Pariah is a sprawling, 7+ minute, mostly instrumental jam. Sam creates much of the band’s visual style through collage of old images, which fit the tone of the song beautifully, so I took his raw cutout materials, and turned them into a journey through time and space:

The band were understandably nervous about this kind of track being their first new material in years, but the public response to both the track and visual style was overwhelmingly positive, supportive, and loving.

So it looks like there will be a couple more of these to come. Yes indeed. We’ll also be able to use them as live visuals for future festival shows. Bonus!

Update: After release, Rage – Australia’s publicly-funded, greatest-music-video-show-in-the-history-of-the-world contacted the label to ask for a copy of the clip. I didn’t think we’d bother to submit a 7-minute long piece of mostly-visuals, but they played it third on Friday night, and then first up at 9am on Saturday! Thanks for keeping it weird for all these decades, Rage.

Animation/Post-Production Live Shows Projects

Aerialicious – The Sparkly Taboo: Promo Edit

After filming some of Aerialicious’ wonderful variety performance at last year’s Wonderland Festival at Brisbane Powerhouse, I was asked to edit a promo for their entire show.

Combining footage from two other shooters with my own, we put together a 2-minute overview of their sparkly aerial burlesque extravaganza!

Motion Control Music Video Projects

WALKEN – Eagle Eye: Music Video

Brisbane punksters WALKEN. Three guys. Three cameras. Three locations. One robot. One Jaymis.

Sometimes things just Make Sense.

Corporate Projects

Brisbane Powerhouse – Comedy Festival 2016: Promo

The Powerhouse have grown their wonderful Brisbane Comedy Festival exponentially over the past few years. For 2016 we reused some of last year’s footage to showcase the superb lineup the team has brought to Brisbane.

Advertising Corporate Featured Motion Control Projects Timelapse/Slow Motion

Brisbane Powerhouse – Discover Brisbane Powerhouse: TV Advertisement

I’ve been filming various events and promos with Brisbane Powerhouse for much of 2015, all the while colluding with them to combine the huge breadth of footage I was capturing into a TV ad which showcases the Powerhouse as a whole.

We dubbed this project the Destination Trailer. It’s part of their Discover Brisbane Powerhouse campaign, which launched in November 2015.

The piece distilled months of filming into precisely 20 seconds, because Television. To include some more awesome stuff we’ve also produced an extended “Director’s Cut” for web.

Lighting/Audio Reactive Music Video Projects

WAAX – I For An Eye: Music Video

Following up WAAX’s Wisdom Teeth video, we needed a clip which would deliver their fresh new lineup to the world, while giving plenty of focus to Marie’s ferocious presence.

3D Printing/Fabrication Animation/Post-Production Motion Control Music Video Projects

My Own Pet Radio – No Great Mystery: Music Video

After having a lovely time working together on visuals for Ball Park Music, Sam Cromack asked me to help him create a world for the debut single from his solo project, My Own Pet Radio.

Combining 3D printed characters, robotic controlled animation and a twee black and white aesthetic, this shoot was just as much fun as you’d expect.

Corporate Electronics/Development Projects Timelapse/Slow Motion

Brisbane Powerhouse – IRL Digital Festival: Promo

My collaboration with Brisbane Powerhouse continues, with a promo for the 2015 IRL Digital Festival!

Animation/Post-Production Featured Motion Control Music Video Projects

WAAX – Wisdom Teeth: Music Video

WAAX are a band of punk-as-rock, hectic kids. Their track “Wisdom Teeth” had been creeping up on Triple J and Unearthed for a couple of months, and needed a quick clip that would match the intensity of their sound and live presence.